Battlefield 1 Becomes the Most Liked Trailer on YouTube, Infinite Warfare The Most Disliked

Let the Flame War begin

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 09, 2016

Remember when the trailers for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1 were released? Battlefield 1 was met with mostly positive acclaim while Infinite Warfare the opposite. Now that the games are out for the public to enjoy it seems that those previous ratings have hit an all time high.

Battlefield 1,Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare,NoobFeed,

Infinite Warfare is now the most dislike video game video on YouTube with about 1.2 million dislikes, become the 8th most disliked video on YouTube. Battlefield 1 has passed 1 million likes, become the 250 most liked videos on YouTube.

Considering that Infinite Warfare sales are down 48.5 percent compared to Black Ops perhaps these shouldn't be considered just numbers in the UK, but is still the second largest lauch since FIFA 17 this year. 

Which are you playing, Battlefield 1 or Infinite Warfare? Let us know in the comments below!

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

, NoobFeed

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