Battlefield 1 Turning Tides December DLC Dated

Battlefield 1's next DLC coming next month

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 21, 2017

DICE has announced that the next expansion for Battlefield 1 will release in December and January. December 11th for those with the premium pass and the following month for everyone else.

Battlefield 1,NoobFeed,DICE,EA,

The DLC's major inclusions are:

Cape Helles and Achi Baba Maps
Gallipoli operation
Infiltrator Elite Class
L-Class Destroyer
6 New Weapons
Royal Marines
Zeebrugge and Heligoland Bight - Maps Coming in January

Apart from the December release date DICE plans to update the game with some serious content and free trials:

Free Trial for expansions They Shall Not Pass and In The Name Of The Tsar on November 22-December 4 and December 8-December 10.

Frontlines Modes for the Suez map on November 27. DICE describes the mode as "a mix of Conquest and Rush" with a tug-of-war over chained control points.

The Fall of Empires operation campaign on November 22-December 6. This is a combination of the Conquer Hell and Iron Walls operations.

Battlefield 1 is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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