Battlefield Mobile Coming in 2022, New Battlefield Coming this Year
EA and DICE making multiple Battlefield games
News by Grayshadow on Apr 22, 2021
Today EA and DICE revealed the rumors of a new Battlefield are true. With the confirming that a new game is in development and will launch this year. Along with a new Battlefield mobile coming in 2022.
The new Battlefield will launch this Holiday 2021 and will be the biggest game in the series, with a grand reveal coming soon. Likely at EA Play 2021. As for Battlefield Mobile, it'll be a completely unique experience separate from the core games.
It’s always been our vision to bring Battlefield to more platforms. So, after years of prototyping, I’m super happy to be able to let you know that our friends at Industrial Toys, working closely with all of us here at DICE, are developing a completely new Battlefield game bringing all-out warfare to smartphones and tablets in 2022.
Make no mistake, this is a standalone game. A completely different game from the one we’re making for console and PC, designed specifically for the mobile platform. It’s being built from the ground up by iToys to make Battlefield-on-the-go a reality and you can expect a fully-fledged, skill-based experience. This mobile game is now entering a testing period ahead of launching next year, so expect more details to come.
The mobile game was expected given how much Activision makes with Call of Duty Mobile and the free-to-play Warzone. As for Battlefield 2021, it's rumored to be set in WW2 again and hopefully, it won't launch with the same issues as Battlefield V. Which had a long roadmap that was canceled due to the major issues of the title including netcode, balancing, and lack of modes, and the need for a battle royale mode.
Adam Siddiqui,
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