Beyond: Two Souls Demo Is Available to Download on PC

Try out Beyond: Two Souls on PC right now

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 29, 2019

Back in March, Quantic Dream revealed that their PlayStation exclusive titles Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Soulsand Detroit: Become Human would be coming to PC. With Beyond: Two Souls coming to PC this July 22nd Quantic Dream has released a demo for PC gamers to try out the title.

Beyond Two Souls,NoobFeed,

For those unaware, Beyond: Two Souls has you in control of Jodie, a young woman who is attached to a paranormal force that can interact with their world and possess people. Jodie is recruited by the Department of Paranormal Activities and trained into becoming an elite agent for the US government.

Like other titles in Quantic Dream's library, players are given ample opportunity to alter the story to get a variety of endings.

Beyond: Two Souls is now available for PS4, PS3, and will come to PC through the Epic Game Store this July 22nd.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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