Book Of Demons Receives Rogue Class, Aims For 2nd Half Of 2018 Release

A roadmap leading to the Book Of Demons full release was also provided by developer Thing Trunk.

News by Woozie on  Dec 12, 2017

When I previewed Book Of Demons, I found Thing Trunk's take on isometric aRPGs to be surprisingly engaging and quite polished for an Early Access title. Since then, the team over at Thing Trunk have released a handful of updates, including a second playable class, the Mage. Keeping busy, the most recent addition is the game's final class, the Rogue. The Rogue uses a bow for long range engagements while switching to daggers up close. Having monsters in melee range will disable bow attacks until they're dealt with. The Rogue is voiced by Rachael Messer and comes with 16 new class cards to help her battle the Archdemon's minions.

Book Of Demons, Image, News

Book Of Demons has been available on Steam Early Access since July 2016 and, with the Rogue Update out, developer Thing Trunk have announced the intention to release the game's full version sometime in the 2nd half of 2018. In the meantime, the title will receive eight new updates. Mac support, Tobii Eyetracker support, new cards on launch day, an overhaul to the final boss fight alongside improvements in different departments will come with these updates. The entire list can be found in the full update announcement. Book Of Demons is available on PC and benefits from a 30% discount until December 18th, being purchasable for the price of 13,99€ or your regional equivalent.

Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed
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