Call of Duty: Black Ops - Uprising DLC releasing on PS3 and PC on May 16
Microsoft's exclusivity deal with Activision is over soon
News by Grayshadow on Apr 25, 2013
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2’s latest DLC pack call Uprising has been a Microsoft exclusive since it was released on April 16. However on May 16 PC and PS3 customers will be able to snag Uprising for $14.99.
Uprising includes 4 new multiplayer maps: Encore, an empty London music festival; Magma, a Japanese village that is unfortunately on the base of a erupting volcano; and Firing Range, a remake of the original map from the first Call of Duty: Black Ops. In addition to the competitive maps a new zombies map called Mob of the Dead introduces a new setting and 4 new characters. The Hollywood stars Chazz Palminteri, Michael Madsen, Ray Liotta and Joe Pantoliano face the undead hordes while stranded on the island prison of Alcatraz during the Prohibition Era that also includes new methods for surviving the zombie assault.
Source: codblackopsblog
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