Cyberpunk 2077 Playable from Start to Finish, Somewhat
Cyberpunk 2077's is playable but a long way from release
News by Grayshadow on Aug 25, 2018
One of the biggest games from E3 2018 and Gamescom 2018 was Cyberpunk 2077, with fans hunting down secrets hidden within the game's newly released screenshots. Those lucky enough to see the closed-door footage have had nothing but positive remarks about the game. Now it has been confirmed that the game is playable from start to finish.
Before you start pre-ordering this may mean that the core aspects of the game are finished. When speaking to Engadget producer Richard Borzymowski explained that the game is indeed playable but the team has a lot of work to ensure a polished product.
For reference, God of War 4 was playable from start to finish on December 2016 but took 2 years of development before it was ready for shipping. While the core mechanics of the game are playable the developers have to work on animations, side objectives, texture models, bug fixes, and so much more. Taking Santa Monica's acclaimed title into consideration, and the 5-year development, it's likely we won't see Cyberpunk 2077 until 2020.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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