Developer of Valheim is Against Paid Mods That Break The Spirit of Modding

Some paid mods work, and some others are just down right not worthy of paying a single penny.

News by AtillaTuran on  May 30, 2023

As we all know, mods are created by the community, for the community, to make a game better (or worse surprisingly). There are a lot of examples of mods being created just to add more spice to an easy game, or more entertainment to a dull title. There are, however, mods that create an entirely different genre or style totally different from the base game. One that comes to mind is Garry’s Mod, using Source Engine’s core mechanics to allow players to express their freedom. This paid mod worked in general because it is limitless what you can do, and itself can support free mods too.

Unfortunately there is a bad side of this whole paid mods story, where Valve decided to charge little sums of money for community created mods in Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, infamously the horse armor comes to mind right away. It had a huge backlash that it got removed little less than a week later. As expected, paid mods are usually frowned upon by players, and now developers too. Valheim's developer, Iron Gate, have shared their opinions about paid mods on Steam news pages and how it is against their idea of being creative.

Valheim, Craft, Viking, Mythology, Survival, NoobFeed

Iron Gate further states that people can open up donations for mods, it is right to ask for a little donation after all, but completely making a mod behind a paywall seems off for them and discourages anyone who wants to do it. Iron Gate also wants people to allow the mods to be available through websites, making them look official, as some mods would automatically download itself through servers and give the idea to the new players about the modded game being the vanilla version of Valheim instead.

It is quite odd for Iron Gate to openly speak about the matter, as their game does not have an official mod support. However, it is nice them to openly talk about the matter and support the players who wish to improve and alter Valheim in their own way.

Atilla Turan
Editor, NoobFeed

Atilla Turan

Editor, NoobFeed

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