Devil May Cry 5 Composer Will Feature In Mortal Kombat 1

Devil May Cry 5 and Killer Instinct composer will be featured in the Mortal Kombat 1 soundtrack

News by DShelley on  Jun 29, 2023

If there's one thing that can make or break a game, it is definitely its soundtrack, and there's no more memorable soundtrack than the soundtrack of Devil May Cry 5. It would seem that the man behind the soundtrack and the soundtrack of numerous other titles such as Killer Instinct and The Division, composer Casey Edwards will feature on the soundtrack of Mortal Kombat 1, as NetherRealm Studios themselves.

For those of you who haven't been keeping track of fighting game news, Mortal Kombat 1 is the upcoming latest entry into the brutal Mortal Kombat franchise. The game will also be something of a soft reboot for the series and will be set in an alternate timeline that was created at the end of Mortal Kombat 11.

Mortal Kombat 1, NetherRealm Studios, Devil May Cry 5, Casey Edwards, Latest, News, NoobFeed

Players will get to experience the events of an alternate universe created by Liu Kang, and will get to experience a brand-new set of mechanics such as Kameo Fighters, which are NPC fighters that players can select to assist them in combat. This would allow players to choose Kombatants from a secondary roster, and pick a fighter that would complement their main Kombatant.

To say there is a lot of hype surrounding the game is a bit of an understatement, especially as it was recently revealed that composer Casey Edwards, who has worked on numerous iconic game soundtracks will be joining on Mortal Kombat 1's soundtrack. We learned of this announcement via both the Official Twitter account of Mortal Kombat 1, as well as Edwards himself. The developers seem to be happy to have the composer on the team and even said that they can't wait to hear his "Killer Kuts."

The Mortal Kombat series seems to mean a lot to Edwards who also shared in the excitement of the announcement, he also talked about how he grew up with the games, back in the days of the SNES. He confirmed that he will not be working solo and that he is working alongside "a small team of very talented composers." Casey is an incredibly talented artist and has worked on numerous games such as The Division: Agent Origins, Killer Instinct, and most famously, Devil May Cry 5 and its Special Edition. This means that players have some truly epic music to rip spines out to.

With the addition of Casey Edwards, it would seem that the anticipation for Mortal Kombat 1 grows and grows, but there have been a few things that have soured the hype surrounding the game, that being that the Krypt would be removed from the game. Despite this, the game will still feature an impression roster of characters and even more coming in the form of DLC

Daman Shelley (@UndeadandTired)
Editor, NoobFeed

Daman Shelley

Contributor, NoobFeed

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