Epic Games Will Launch Their Own Online Store With 88% Going to Developers

Epic competing with Steam

News by Grayshadow on  Dec 04, 2018

Steam dominates the PC market for being one of the most popular areas to purchase games. Other publishers have tried to compete such as EA with Origin and Ubisoft with Uplay but Steam remains on top. Now, Epic Games is entering the ring with their own store and the most popular feature is this store will offer 88% of the revenue of game sales to the developers who created them.

Epic Games,NoobFeed,

Announcing the Epic Games store for PC and Mac! We’re bringing developers an 88% revenue share and a direct relationship with players and creators.https://t.co/QbQKKHFiMA pic.twitter.com/9wN1j7BEzN

— Epic Games (@EpicGames) December 4, 2018

In comparison, Steam takes 20-30% of revenue from developers, making it a much more appealing alternative to Steam. Steam's recent change in policy could be in response to this.

Steam now takes a 30 percent cut on sales under $10 million, then a 25 percent cut on sales between $10 million and $50 million, then a 20 percent cut on sales above $50 million. This new policy has been unpopular for indie developers who have argued that this will benefit bigger publishers while leaving smaller studios with less to survive on.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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