Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy Becomes Backward Compatible with Xbox One Treatment Next Week
Play all three Final Fantasy XIII games on Xbox One
News by Grayshadow on Nov 11, 2018
Final Fantasy XIII has one of the most polarizing receptions in the franchise history. With the game's have dedicated fans and those arguing that its one of the poorest installments in the acclaimed series. However, those wishing to revisit the franchise on Xbox One next week.
Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII will all be backward compatible for Xbox One on November 12. The original game launched on Xbox 360, making it the first game in the franchise to come to a Microsoft console.
The games themselves were a result of polarizing reception. Many praised the graphics and paradigm fighting system but criticized the first game's linear system and the final game's cryptic story. Lightning did amass popularity along with antagonist Caius was is frequently voted as one of the best villains in the franchise.
Personally, I loved Final Fantasy XIII-2 and felt it improved on the original game's faults but argue that Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII was a poor game due to the game's uneventful and often confusing story.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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