Final Fantasy XV is Getting a Season Pass that Features More Story Content

After waiting an eternity who could possibly say no to more Final Fantasy XV?

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 03, 2016

Looks like Square Enix is expecting to release a large array of content after Final Fantasy XV releases next month.

Final Fantasy XV Season Pass,Final Fantasy XV,NoobFeed,Square Enix,

The game that took forever to release is going to have a season that has no description on what it includes. Right now it can be purchased with the digital premium edition, which is $85. So we can assume the season pass will cost $15 since the game is $60.

According to the Japanese PlayStation Store the Season Pass will include:

“Booster Pack” (DLC #1)

“Episode Gladiolus” (DLC #2)

“Holiday Pack” (DLC #3)

“Episode Ignis” (DLC #4)

“Episode Prompto” (DLC #5)

“Expansion Pack” (DLC #6)

Judging from the names we can expect solo stories for each of Noctis' friends. 

Final Fantasy XV will launch for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on September 30th.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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