God of War Developer Says Game is Playable from Start to Finish

Maybe God of War 4 will release in 2017?

News by Grayshadow on  Dec 23, 2016

We haven't heard much about the next God of War since E3 2016, it was even absent at PSX this year. However, according to director Cory Barlog, he just finished the entire game from start to finish.

God of War 4,NoobFeed,Sony,

Now before you ask for a release date this is most likely the alpha state of the game. This means that all the core mechanics are in place and the level interaction is functional. This is a major leap forward and we could see more on the game between now and E3 2017.

God of War is set to release on PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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