HD Remaster of Legend of Legacy Announced
The 3DS exclusive JRPG, Legend of Legacy is getting a comeback along with an HD Remaster by NIS America.
News by DShelley on Sep 26, 2023
Every now and then, usually once in a console's lifetime, there will be an absolute masterpiece of a game that garners a large cult following but will also suddenly fall into obscurity the second its console becomes discontinued. A prime example of this is none other than the cult classic JRPG, Legend of Legacy, a beautiful narrative driven JRPG that was released on 22 February 2015 exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS.
To many of you, the name Legend of Legacy probably doesn't ring a bell, which is a shame, considering that this stunning little game had an impressive group of individuals behind it - Many of whom had worked on many big name JRPGs such as the SaGa series and Final Fantasy. The game itself follows the story of seven unique heroes that are all vastly different from one another, each of our protagonists have their connections and reasons all linked to the game's story. One of the greatest features of the game was its setting, the beautiful world of Avalon, and its story which is where it got most of its following from.
Fans have demanded a remake of the game since the Nintendo 3DS was discontinued and it would seem that NIS America has finally answered their call. Legend of Legacy HD Remaster will be coming in early 2024 and will be released on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The game is an updated version of the original 3DS title and will have improved graphics as well as improved gameplay features. If you're interested in pre-ordering the game, you will be glad to know that pre-orders are open and you can pre-order the limited edition of Legend of Legacy HD Remaster for $79.99 via the NIS America Online Store.
Many would argue that the Legend of Legacy HD Remaster is just another unnecessary remake that ultimately adds nothing new to the game and floods the market such like the remakes of Horizon: Zero Dawn or The Last of Us, but in the case of Legend of Legacy, it is less about raking in profits or playing with one's nostalgia and more about preservation. The original Legend of Legacy title was only available on the 3DS but now this beautiful JRPG can be enjoyed by many more and many other platforms
Daman Shelley (@UndeadandTired)
Editor, NoobFeed
Contributor, NoobFeed
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