Hot Wheels Unleashed Panel at Comic-Con 2021

More information about Hot Wheels Unleashed debuting at Comic-Con 2021

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 23, 2021

Today Mattel confirmed during Comic-Con 2021 this Saturday new information about the highly anticipated Hot Wheels Unleashed will be shown. With vehicle designs and a behind-the-scenes look exclusive to Comic-Con 2021.

Hot Wheels,NoobFeed,

Hot Wheels Unleashed is an upcoming racing game that takes iconic cars and allows players to take control of them. It looks like the Hot Wheels expansion for Forza Horizon 3 but expanded on, which is a great idea. The expansion was very popular and Hot Wheels Unleashed has been generating positive reception for its creative levels and custom track editor. Not to mention it's Hot Wheels, a lot of us have fond memories of specific cars we loved from the brand.

Hot Wheels Unleashed launches on September 30th for Xbox One, Xbox Series, PC, PS4, PS5, and Switch.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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