Inertial Drift: Sunset Prologue Launches Free Cool Vibes Racing On Steam

The short racing game is available for free, awaiting the full release later this summer.

News by Daavpuke on  Jun 23, 2020

Oh man, are we ever ready for some distraction right now. Publisher PQube has released Inertial Drift: Sunset Prologue for PC on Steam today. The short racing game is available for free, awaiting the full release later this summer.

Inertial Drift: Sunset Prologue, Steam, Level 91 Entertainment, PQube

Inertial Drift: Sunset Prologue is arcade racing like in the good old days. A thick cel-shaded look gets plastered on the vehicle, with wavy neon tints for the environments. The game feels reminiscent of old PlayStation 2 cult classics like Auto Modellista. While that example wasn't received well when it first released, it has since appreciated in value, due to its unique look and atmosphere. Inertial Drift certainly feels like it will favor cool vibes for a fun time, without taking itself too seriously.

There are two tracks and two drivers in this preview, to sample some of the different driving methods that will have players drift across the tracks. One racing environment is a fairly basic loop, while the other features more challenges, like hairpin turns. Basically, Inertial Drift: Sunset Prologue is a demo, but when racing games put "Prologue" in the title, it counts as a game. Replayability is a factor, which is also something we've been missing since the days of PlayStation demo discs. Back in our day, we raced one car in one track and we liked it. The prologue method sure did work for Gran Turismo as well.

The full version of Inertial Drift is only a month or so away, as the release date is August 7, 2020. Additionally, the complete release will launch simultaneously on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed

Daav Daavpuke

Writer, NoobFeed

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