Insomniac Games Confirms that Spider-Man Miles Morales is a Stand-Alone Game
Insomniac clarifies Sony's confusing message about Spider-Man Miles Morales
News by Grayshadow on Jun 13, 2020
Since its reveal, many were confused about Spider-Man Miles Morales on whether it was sequel or expansion. According to IGN Sony stated it was an "expansion or enhancement" which added to the complexity. Until Insomniac came out and just said it was a standalone game.
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the next adventure in the Marvel's Spider-Man universe. We will reveal more about this standalone game at a future date. #MilesMoralesPS5
— Insomniac Games (@insomniacgames) June 12, 2020
This means that Spider-Man Miles Morales will be more like Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. With the focus being on Miles as he stars on his own adventure outside from Peter. Similar to how Chloe's story was her own adventure instead of being part of Nathan Drake's story.
Insomniac also released new images for the game taken from the trailer.
Spider-Man Miles Morales launches this holiday for PS5.
Adam Siddiqui,
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