Little Nightmares 2 Gets An Official Release Date, Free PS5 and Xbox Series X Upgrades Confirmed

Little Nightmares 2 coming this February with free upgrades available

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 23, 2020

Today, Bandai Namco revealed the release date for Little Nightmares 2. Confirming the title for February 11th, 2021, and confirming free upgrades for all next-gen versions but the PS5 and Xbox Series versions will launch at a later date. Which is still better than NBA 2K21 and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War publishers charging players $10 for an upgrade.

Little Nightmares,NoobFeed,Bandai Namco,

The trailer provides an extensive look at Six and her new partner trying to survive the horrors that await them. With the newcomer  Mono able to defend himself but still having to avoid the larger threats. Overall Little Nightmares 2 looks like it's not only providing the same supernatural experience of the first game but building on it.

There's a special TV Edition being offered that includes:

Soundtrack (Digital / CD)

Full Game

Moku Jin Mask

Nome Attic



Mono and Six diorama

Little Nightmares 2 will launch on Xbox One, PS4, and PC this February 11th, 2021. PS5 and Xbox Series versions will come later with free upgrades available.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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