Man of Medan Will Have 2 Multiplayer Modes and is the First of 8 Games in The Dark Pictures Anthology
Man of Medan will be the first of 8 games and will have multiplayer
News by Grayshadow on Jul 11, 2019
Man of Medan is the next game from the developers of Until Dawn. Launching this August I had the chance to play it at E3 2019 and came out excited for this new title.
With Man of Medan about 1 month away Bandai Namco revealed new information about the game. Including that it'll be part of an 8 game series and will include multiplayer modes.
When it launches, Man of Medan will include 2 multiplayer modes. The first being Shared Story Mode where you and another person control 2 different characters. Both of you will make independent decisions that will affect the overall narrative. This mode is only available online.
The second mode is called Movie Night Mode. Here 2 to 5 players can hop into the action locally, with players passing the control around and making decisions for each of the characters.
In an interview with IGN, Supermassive Games CEO Pete Samuels explained that Man of Medan will be part of an 8 game series.
“We have an arc in mind that plays over eight games,” said Supermassive Games CEO Pete Samuels. “He’s really the only consistency across the Anthology. Everything from a story, character perspective, we want to be a surprise. We want to surprise people each time – when we announce the second game, we want it to be the last thing people expected, in terms of theme and subgenre and whatever. And then again with the third one. We have them mapped out for the first eight.”
Samuels elaborated that the studio is planning for a 2 game per year. With a new director, screenwriters, actors, and development teams taking control of each game. Which sounds incredible!
In a recent series of videos Bandai Namco has been providing context into the characters starring in Man of Medan called "Who is Conrad?".
Man of Medan launches this August 30th for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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