Metal Gear Survive Getting An Open Beta Next Month
Try Metal Gear Survive next month
News by Grayshadow on Dec 14, 2017
The first entry in the Metal Gear series following Hideo Kojima's departure from Konami, Metal Gear Survive, is having an open beta next month.
Players will be able to try out the game's online co-op on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One from January 18 through January 21.
Those who pre-order the game will gain access to the free Day One Edition will include four gold-plated weapons, two additional gestures, four metallic survival scarves, the “Kabuki” face paint, a boxman “The Orange” accessory, and a Mother Base nameplate. A Digital Deluxe Edition will come with a digital soundtrack, a Cyborg Ninja head accessory, a gesture and a seven-day premium boost pass.
Metal Gear Survive launches on Xbox One and PS4 in North America on February 20th, in Europe on February 22nd, and in Japan on February 21st.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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