Mighty No 9 Backers Finally Receive Their Retro Box
Backers of Mighty No 9 receive their Retro Box, and they're not happy
News by Grayshadow on Jul 27, 2017
Remember Mighty No. 9, the spiritual successor to Mega Man? If you don't you're in the majority. Now those who backed the game and earned a retro style box are taking to social media to voice their vexation about the collectable box. Stating the box was cheaply made, the instructional manual can't fit in the box, and overall disappointment with the product.
After its successful campaign in September 2013, Mighty No. 9 faced numerous delays before releasing in June 2016. After its launch, the game received negative criticism about its design, graphics, voice acting, content, and technical performance. Now the retro collector's box has been added to Mighty No. 9's many issues.
Mighty No. 9 is now available for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, Mac, Linus, Android, PS Vita, and 3DS.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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