New Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Update Attempts to Balance New Changes
New changes followed up with new patch
News by Grayshadow on Jul 17, 2021
Recently the Reloaded season for Warzone started and with it came a new large patch. With the upcoming weekend, 2X experience event now starting a new patch was issued to balance more issues.
You can read more about the new changes below.
2XP + 2WXP Weekend
Double XP and Double Weapon XP now live from 10AM PT July 16 to 10AM PT July 19 in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone.
Addressed UI errors that could appear in multiple locations.
Addressed an issue where players could not respawn after being killed by a Nuke Scorestreak while a teammate was controlling a remote Scorestreak.
Addressed an issue where the “Nothing but the Hits” Season Four Challenge was not properly resetting on death.
League Play Rewards
Added new Win Milestone Challenges that award Call of Duty League-themed Weapon Blueprints, Weapon Charms, Stickers, and Emblems along with XP bonuses up to 10,000 XP when players reach certain win milestones starting with Season Four Reloaded:
10 Wins: Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
20 Wins: Pistol Blueprint, Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
35 Wins: Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
50 Wins: Assault Rifle Blueprint, Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
75 Wins: Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
100 Wins: SMG Blueprint, Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
“Mauer der Toten”
Fixed stability issues related to The Disciple and CRBR-S Wonder Weapon.
Main Quest
Addressed an issue that could occur in the Ghost Station during the Main Quest.
Closed an exploit with Tombstone Soda.
Adam Siddiqui,
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