New Mass Effect: Andromeda Character Shown, Dr. Lexi T'Perro
Dr. Lexi T'Perro joins the Andromeda initiative in Mass Effect: Andromeda
News by Grayshadow on Feb 24, 2017
EA and BioWare has released a brand new behind the scenes trailer showcasing a brand new character for Mass Effect: Andromeda, Dr. Lexi T'Perro
Described by BioWare as a feisty edge but compassionate doctor, voiced by Margaery, the Doctor will join Andromeda team in their colonization of the new galaxy. An expert in physical and mental sciences she's in charge of analyzing how environments and situations shaped the Andromeda galaxy and its effect on human biology and psychology.
The video highlights that this Asari is experienced and meaningful. Walking a fine line between professional and loyal companion.
Mass Effect: Andromeda launches on March 21 for Xbox One, PS4, and Origin PC. Those with EA or Origin Access will gain access to 10 hours of early access gameplay 1 week before the game launches.
Source: YouTube
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