New Resident Evil Village Images Released, Showing A Hairy Executioner

Check out more images for Resident Evil Village

News by Grayshadow on  Dec 15, 2020

Resident Evil Village is one of the biggest games coming out next year. With more images released showing off the werewolf, executioner, and a look at the castle.

Resident Evil Village,NoobFeed,Capcom,


Resident Evil Village,NoobFeed,Capcom,


Resident Evil Village,NoobFeed,Capcom,

The images don't provide much from what we already know. The most profound being a good look at the new executioner. Which is much hairier than previous versions but uses an equally deadly weapon, this time a huge mace. We also get to see the outside of the castle covered in ravens and a concept piece of the werewolf.

Resident Evil Village launches in 2021 for Xbox Series, PS5, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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