Ninja Theory Celebrates Heavenly Sword's 11th Anniversary
11 years ago Ninja Theory released Heavenly Sword
News by Grayshadow on Sep 13, 2018
Back on the PlayStation 3 Ninja Theory released a fantastic action-adventure game called Heavenly Sword. The game received average reviews but gained a massive cult following.
On Ninja Theory's official Instagram many fans are asking for a PS4 remake. However, since the IP is owned by Sony and Ninja Theory is now owned by Microsoft it may be difficult for the studio to make this a reality. Sony could have another studio remaster the game, perhaps Bluepoint Studios?
Heavenly Sword stars Nariko, a warrior attempting to defend her clan from an invading force led by King Bohan. Using the power of a legendary weapon called the Heavenly Sword that provides untold power to anyone who uses it but at the cost of their own life.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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