Nintendo Finally Addresses Widespread Joy-Con Drift Issues
Nintendo addresses issues with Joy-Con controllers drifting
News by Grayshadow on Jul 24, 2019
Recently, a widespread issue has been surfacing about Joy-Con controllers. Called Drifting, the controllers would constantly pull to the left. This issue became widespread on Reddit and now more examples are surfacing, such as this one from a Twitter user showing a Best Buy demo unit experiencing drifting. It is so bad that The Chimicles, Schwartz Kriner & Donaldson-Smith law firm is looking into the possibility of a class-action lawsuit.
Nintendo has remained silent but not anymore. A representative spoke with Kotaku, saying “At Nintendo, we take great pride in creating quality products and we are continuously making improvements to them. We are aware of recent reports that some Joy-Con controllers are not responding correctly. We want our consumers to have fun with Nintendo Switch, and if anything falls short of this goal we always encourage them to visit so we can help.”
This fix doesn't guarantee that the problem won't return. But at least it's something. Perhaps the newer models won't have this issue. Nintendo does have new Joy-Con colors releasing this fall.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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