Play Civilization: Beyond Earth For Free This Weekend On Steam

Civilization games on sale and play Beyond Earth for free this weekend on Steam

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 13, 2015

Humanity has taken o the stars to colonize new worlds. However this wasn’t to merely explore but out of necessity, forcing humans to find new worlds to inhabit. Civilization: Beyond Earth has players attempting to colonize these hostile planets and this weekend gamers can play Beyond Earth for free this weekend on Steam.

Civilization: Beyond Earth,Civilization,Noobfeed,2K Games,Sid Meier,

If you enjoy it you can purchase the game for $19.99, 50% off the original price, or in two bundles. The first includes Civilization III Complete, Civilization IV and Civilization V for$25.19. The other bundle, retailing for $20.99, including Beyond Earth and Sid Meier’s Starships. The deals will be valid until Monday August 17 at 1 p.m. EST.

Beyond Earth’s expansion, Rising Tide, is set to release on October 9 for $29.99, but can be pre-ordered for a 10% discount. Those who wish to invest in both the Explanets expansion, available now, and Rising Tide can purchase the collection version of the based game for $49.79 this weekend.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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