PlayStation Showcase Coming Next Week September 9th

The latest PlayStation news coming next week

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 02, 2021

Today Sony confirmed that they will host the PlayStation Showcase this September 9th at 1 PM PDT 9 PM BST.


Sony Stated:

You’ve been awfully patient, and we thank you for that. And now we’re looking forward to showing you what we’ve been working on.

Tune in next Thursday, September 9 at 1:00pm Pacific Time / 9:00pm BST / 10:00pm CEST for a look into the future of PS5. The Showcase will weigh in at around 40 minutes and include updates from PlayStation Studios and some of the industry’s most imaginative developers, for games releasing this holiday and beyond. And stick around after the presentation to get more updates from some of the studio teams featured in the Showcase.

One thing to note: PlayStation’s next generation of VR won’t make an appearance this time. But there will still be plenty of great PS5 games from developers large and small. We hope you can join us!

After the reveal of Horizon Forbidden West's many are expecting more gameplay considering this is the last big event before the game's February launch. Also many are hoping for new information on God of War Ragnarok which hasn't been shown or talked about since its reveal.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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