Red Dead Redemption 2 Might Be Coming to Nintendo Switch Next

After the first game’s port for Switch, Red Dead Redemption 2 might be ported over to the highly popular handheld console too.

News by AtillaTuran on  Sep 27, 2023

In the recent past, about a month ago, Red Dead Redemption was ported over to PlayStation 4 and 5, as well as Nintendo Switch. Red Dead Redemption is not the first game in the series, but it was the first one to pick up heat after Rockstar revived with a well-designed gameplay, story, and overall atmosphere. It was rated one of the best games of Rockstar at the time and obviously, the studio would want the new generation of players to be aware of the title as well.

Meanwhile, the PlayStation ports had no issues, Switch players would come across occasional crashes, but these crashes rarely occurred and wouldn’t hurt the flow of the game much. Plus Switch hardware can be hard to work with sometimes, so there is that. On the other side, there are little shreds of evidence of Red Dead Redemption 2 coming to Nintendo Switch. The pseudo leak was given by the official Brazilian game rating authorities, adding Nintendo Switch under Red Dead Redemption 2’s game and age rating page.

Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Nintendo Switch, TPS, 0Port, Red Dead Redemption, NoobFeed

One of the users on Twitter found the change while looking through the pages and when inspected, there was an update on the 25th of September. It is not confirmed the update was adding Nintendo Switch to the page, but compared to old screenshots of the page through Wayback Machine, it is indeed new.

Of course, this might be an oversight by the government, however, the addition of the first Red Dead game to the Switch sort of paved the way already. Maybe Rockstar was testing out whether RAGE- the game engine of Rockstar- was compatible with Switch, saw the new encoders and 720p mode was working out fine, and decided to start working on Red Dead Redemption 2 on the console as well.

Nevertheless, this change can be interpreted as something that Rockstar is currently working on. Whether it's the delayed Grand Theft Auto IV, reviving Rockstar Table Tennis, or in this instance, porting Red Dead Redemption 2 to Nintendo Switch. Still, we shall take this with a pinch of salt as Rockstar is quite an unpredictable studio.

Atilla Turan (@burningarrow)
Editor, NoobFeed

Atilla Turan

, NoobFeed

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