Sony Bringing Together PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now

This June PlayStation users can combine PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 29, 2022

After months of rumors and speculation Sony has revealed new tiers of PlayStation Plus called PlayStation Plus Essential, PlayStation Plus Extra, and PlayStation Plus Premium. Merging together PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus into 1 service.

PlayStation Plus,NoobFeed,PlayStation Plus Essential,PlayStation Plus Extra,PlayStation Plus Premium

PlayStation Now will close down and change to the Premium Tier with no change in price. With this combination, players will have access to over 700 games on the PlayStation Now service. In addition, PS3 games will only be available through streaming with PS1, PS2, and PSP games having streaming or download options.

PlayStation Plus Essential

PlayStation Plus with no change in service.

PlayStation Plus Extra

Essential benefits plus access to PS4 and PS5 games through the service. It'll cost:

$14.99 Month

$39.99 Quarterly

$99.99 Yearly

PlayStation Plus Premium

PlayStation Now with players having access to PS1, PS2, PS3, and PSP games. PS3 games can only be streamed. Players can stream games through PS4, PS5, or PC.

Unlike Xbox's Game Pass service gamers will not get access to day 1 games such as the upcoming God of War Ragnarok

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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