Square Enix Montreal No Longer Developing "Go" Games

The end of the Go games from Square Enix

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 05, 2018

Square Enix is known for developer Go titles, mobile versions of existing IPs owned by the publisher such as Hitman Go and Lara Croft Go. According to Pocketgamer, the studio is no longer making premium mobile games and instead developing free-to-play titles.

Lara Croft Go,NoobFeed,

Square Enix Montreal head spoke about how the premium market is shifting and more customers are looking towards free-to-play titles instead.

"I have to say no [we're not working on other Go games], I'm sorry," Naud said.

"The Go series was a great adventure for us as a studio. We've done the three games, we've seen the wind. The hardest element is making premium games on mobile.

"It's one of the challenges we have today is the premium mobile market is diminishing. You've got more and more high-quality free titles so there are even fewer and fewer people inclined to try something that will not be free.

"Despite the critical success and the great revenue we've had, it's sad to see that our games are only played by a small slither of the population because of the price point. That's such a big barrier for mobile users. A lot of people consume mobile games only and they have all these options, all these games; why should they invest money in this one unless they're very convinced?

"That doesn't mean they won't spend in-game, but they want to spend on a game that they're sure they're going to like. The perception of choice makes it that even if it's only $5, that's too much."

Many of the go games took franchises such as Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, and Hitman and used puzzle elements and turn-based gameplay instead of the elaborate environments and mechanics found in the core series.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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