Telltale's The Walking Dead First Season Coming to Nintendo Switch Next Week

Experience the beginning of Telltale's The Walking Dead on the go

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 22, 2018

The Walking Dead: The Final Season just started but Telltale is bringing the first season to the Nintendo Switch. The entire first season of Telltale's The Walking Dead will launch on August 28th.

The Walking Dead,Season 1,Nintendo Switch,Telltale Games,

It's time to go back to where it all began...

We're happy to announce that the first season of The Walking Dead comes to the Nintendo Switch on August 28.

— Telltale Games (@telltalegames) August 21, 2018

This is the first of the acclaimed franchise that follows Lee Everitt as he attempts to protect Clementine from the horde of walkers. The first season won numerous GOTY awards and the love and praised from fans.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

, NoobFeed

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