The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Coming to Mobile Devices this March 3rd

The Seven Deadly Sins makes its leap to gaming

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 07, 2020

Today, Netmarble confirmed that The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross will launch this March 3rd. With pre-registration now open for the game. (iOS link here)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross,NoobFeed,Netmarble,

The moment we've all been waiting for: the release date, revealed! The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross launches on Mar 3! #TheSevenDeadlySinsGrandCross #ComingSoon

— The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross (@7DS_en) February 6, 2020

According to an official press release:

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross translates the storytelling and adventures of The Seven Deadly Sins, into a highly engaging and entertaining mobile gaming experience. The stunning, high-resolution 3D graphics and over 100 dramatic cutscenes, and the cast of the original Japanese voice actors reprising their characters bring the heroes of The Seven Deadly Sins to life. Players can select from a wide roster of heroes from the series to build their very own team and defeat enemies with a novel approach to card-based combat systems. There’s an emphasis on combining cards and characters for special moves and extensive interaction with the main The Seven Deadly Sins team with unique costumes including original outfits found only in this game, character dialogue, an affection system, cooking, and more.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross launches on mobile devices this March 3rd.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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