Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor - Martyr New Trailer Showcases Environmental Destruction

The developers plan to release monthly videos showing the game's most important features.

News by Woozie on  May 05, 2016

NeocoreGames, the studio behind the well-recieved The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing series, are busy working on their next title, an Action RPG set in the Warhammer 40k universe. Centered around an Inquisitor, the game is still in an early developement stage. Recently, a trailer showcasing the environmental destruction present in the game has been released. Both players and enemies can use cover, which adds a tactical element, however said cover can be destroyed. The destruction rate varies based on weapon used as plasma will melt away bigger chunks of cover than bolter rounds will.

Cover seems to be an interesting addition in an ARPG and definetly something that's not seen very often as the genre tends to focus more on chopping up or vaporizing as many enemies as one can in a short amount of time. It will definetly be interesting to see how this will shape the combat in the title's final version, as well as what other features will be unveiled in the coming months.

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