Wii U's Failure Ensured Nintendo Switch Success According to Nintendo of America President

Reggie Fils-Aime says Nintendo Switch success comes from Wii U's failure

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 11, 2017

Without a doubt, the Nintendo Switch has been far more successful than Nintendo's previous system, the Wii U. In an interview with CNN Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Aime, stated that the Wii U failed in the market.

Reggie Fil-Aime,NoobFeed,Nintendo,

When asked about the Wii U's unclear marketing Fils-Aime stated:

"We worked hard for the Nintendo Switch to make it crystal clear what the proposition is. It's a home system that you can take on the go, play anywhere with anyone, and that's resonating."

When the Wii U launched it was met with a lot of confusion, mainly due to the console's name and gamepad. At an asking price of $300 and the upcoming release of Microsoft and Sony's next-generation consoles the Wii U died quickly.

On the issue of software droughts, Fil-Aime assured that Nintendo will release a steady pace of new games.

"We've addressed [software droughts] with the Nintendo Switch -- having a steady pace of new launches is critical. Whether it's the big companies like Electronic Arts, or whether it's the smaller independent developer, we need those companies to create content to support us. We have that now with Nintendo Switch."

Doom was recently released on the Nintendo Switch and Super Mario Odyssey, which released late October, is currently one of the highest rated games of all time with sales in the millions.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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