Skydrift: Extreme Fighters Pack / Gladiator Multiplayer Pack - DLC Review
Skydrift is breathtaking in every sense.
Reviewed by Daavpuke on Oct 14, 2011
Extreme Fighters Pack
Skydrift brings breakneck vehicular combat but with planes, so download content (DLC) would make sense if that meant more planes to explode. Extreme Fighters might seem like they’re focused on the combat aspect, but the three new planes are balanced between speed, acceleration and maneuverability. The Vanguard, Sparrow X1 and Triwing Vintage are 3 new aircrafts, but that doesn’t necessarily mean 3 news way to play. The variables for switching between stats and picking the best plane for one of the 6 tracks were pretty much set with the core game. As such Extreme Fighters only brings the slightest of variation to that. Sure, the DLC content has 1 additional stat point and does feel an increment different, but it won’t be an incentive to relive the game based purely on that.
Still, there is some leverage in playing with the new jets, as matches do seem to be just a tick easier with the adjusted fighters. The downside however, especially with the Triwing, is that the maneuverability might be a little too good for racing. The slightest tap curls the plane severely and at those speeds, it’s hard to get a hold of it on in fast races. But in general, there is still an ideal aircraft for each race and for the smallest of change available, the immediately unlocked planes and their paintjobs are worth a go for the die-hard. It's nothing special though.
Rating: 56/100
Gladiator Multiplayer Pack
For those that have conquered all aspects of Skydrift’s races, there is an extra needed to keep playing, rather than just breaking records online. Well, for these fanatics, Gladiator Multiplayer offers DLC that allows online brawlers to now break people’s faces in either Deathmatch or even Team Deathmatch. The new game modes are pretty much what is to be expected from them, but they are however a great addition for replay value.
In a select amount of fighting arenas, players can team up or go rogue and use the same arcade combat tools to blast each other out of the sky. It’s even possible to create additional weather condition in the themed maps, which look just as stunning as the original races.
The great thing about Gladiator Multiplayer is that it offers the exact same thrilling and challenging experience that keeps gameplay fun at all times. As human opponents are tougher to handle, it’s also trickier to negotiate turning and ducking, plus dogfights are always entertaining. But sadly, this is also a downfall, as there is no possibility to play with computer opponents and as the community is rather small, no friends means no matches. No one likes to wait in a lobby for up to 8 players to join, so it is advised to make some plans, to have at least some friends fill spots. Still, certainly with DLC fighters, this is a fun new way to play for those that have already picked up this cheap and breathtaking title.
Rating: 80/100
Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)
Editor, NoobFeed
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