Path Of Exile: Items and Orbs Guide

Games by NestiShy on  Nov 24, 2020

Since Path of Exile is a game where loot and items make a difference, a player needs to know how to manage the resources wisely to make the most of them. Some even prefer to buy PoE currencies instead of gaining them in the game, which is obviously much faster and easier for a player.

Yet, it’s vital to take it seriously. Otherwise, you risk wasting the resources, including real money, for nothing. In this article, we will elaborate on the types of items according to their rarity, as well as the currencies and their usage so that Path of Exile stops seeming so complicated.

Items and Their Level of Rarity

Although Path of Exile was released a long time ago, in 2013, it doesn’t lose its popularity among players.  In fact, it has experienced a major increase in gamers within the previous two months. According to a Steam Chart, the number of players in September was up by 70 percent, while in October - by almost 20 percent. Probably, the reason is the new 3.12 expansion, which was released in the middle of September 2020.

The new wave of active users means that there may be a lot of new players that may not understand the basics of the game, and especially the value of items and currencies in PoE. Truth be told, even experienced players may struggle with these aspects.

To begin with, it’s vital to understand the nature of items in PoE. They are diversified according to the level of rarity:

1. White items - normal (with no affixes)

2. Blue items - magic (with one prefix and one suffix)

3. Yellow items - rare (with three prefixes and three suffixes)

4. Orange items - unique (the number of affixes is variable)

With the help of Orbs, a player can change items. Therefore, in order to get the most of all the resources, you need to understand how to use it with the maximum effect.

Orbs in Path of Exile

Orbs come in different types. Here, we will cover some of them that you may find useful in the game:

Orbs to Create or Modify Magic Items

- These orbs imply that your items will be of low value and include such currencies as:

- Orb of Transmutation - A normal item will become a magic one with the help of a random affix.

- Orb of Alteration - A magic item will get a new suffix, prefix, or even both, depending on how lucky you are.

Orb of Augmentation - Your magic item will be added with the missing affix.

Orbs to Create or Modify Rare Items

The value of these orbs is much higher than the ones described above. Therefore, a player should treat them carefully and use them reasonably. The following currencies make up the group:

- Exalted Orb - One of the most valuable orbs in PoE, which grants a rare item a prefix or suffix if there is an open affix slot. You shouldn’t experiment with this one and use it solely when you are sure about what you are doing.

- Chaos Orb - It’s similar to the Orb of Alteration and re-rolls your rare item with new suffixes or prefixes. Their number can vary from one to three, so keep your fingers crossed to get the maximum.

- Regal Orb - With this Orb, a magic item will become a rare one. As for the affixes, they will remain untouched; only one more will be added randomly.

- Orb of Alchemy - This currency allows you to skip the phase of magic items and directly get a rare one from a normal one. The number of affixes added is random, as always.

Orbs That Enhance Quality

The title basically speaks for itself. All the orbs in this category improve the quality of the item. Here are the currencies that enhance the quality of:

- Map - Cartographer’s Chisel (affects the quantity modifier)

- Gem - Gemcutter’s Prism (the effect depends on the gem)

- Flask - Glassblower’s Bauble (prolongs the duration)

- Armor - Armourer’s Scrap (Impacts the implicit property of gear)

- Weapon - Blacksmith’s Whetstone (affects solely the physical implicit damage).

The effect depends on the item’s rarity. For example, normal items receive +5 percent quality, magic ones +2 percent, while rare only +1 percent.

Summing Up

In order to be successful in Path of Exile, you need to get a good grasp of items and currencies. Only this way will you be able to use your resources wisely and, therefore, perform much better than other PoE players.

The ultimate advice is to be especially careful with highly valuable orbs like Chaos Orb or Exalted Orb. They aren’t something to play around with. So, think twice before taking advantage of them.


Nestee Shy

Moderator, NoobFeed

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