3 New Kingdoms Revealed on Super Mario Odyssey Amiibo Packages

New areas revealed in Super Mario Odyssey Amiibo Packages

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 05, 2017

The upcoming amiibos for Super Mario Odyssey have revealed 3 new kingdoms coming to the final game called  Lake Kingdom, Snow Kingdom and Mushroom Kingdom. What these kingdoms look like is still a mystery. 

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The amiibos, which feature Peach, Bowser, and Mario in wedding attire, will be available individually or in packages of 3. Currently, what the amiibos will feature as part of the game is unknown. Similar to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild amiibos we could see additions such as extra lives and support in finding hidden locations. Hopefully, it's not the upcoming Metroid amiibos that lock specific modes.

Super Mario Odyssey launches October 27 for Nintendo Switch.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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