Rage 2 Rise of the Ghosts Launches this September 26th
Rage 2's first expansion coming this month
News by Grayshadow on Sep 10, 2019
Rage 2 is getting its first major expansion called Rise of the Ghosts this September 26th. With the expansion focusing on a new threat called the "Ghosts".
According to the description, a group of bandits called the Ghosts have reappeared and want to take over. The Ghosts were supposedly killed off but some survived. Now, they follow a woman named Iris and have been given special nanotrite abilities. Walker must head into their base of the Overgrown City and put the Bandits down.
The expansion will include a new ability called Void, a Fertrite Laser, and the Ghost Motorcycle vehicle.
Rage 2: Rise of the Ghosts will be out for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on September 26.
Adam Siddiqui,
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