Double Fine Seeks to Secure Distribution Rights of their Titles
Time Schafer wants them all in one home
News by Grayshadow on May 12, 2013
Double Fine is seeking to gain the distribution rights of Stacking and Costume Quest from former publisher THQ. In February Double Fine attempted to secure the rights to these titles from THQ but in April Nordic Games was able to obtain the distribution rights of both titles at the THQ bankruptcy auction.
Time Schafer told Game Informer "We're trying to get the rights to Stacking and Costume Quest" and "We can still make more of those games. We still have the IP, but we'd love to have all of the IP and distribution rights in house."
In addition Double Fine seeks to regain the IP of Brutal Legend from EA and Iron Brigade, previous known as Trenched, from Microsoft. On another note those seeking to purchase Costume Quest, Brutal Legend, and Stacking can through Double Fine's Humble Bundle sale that is still going on for 9 more days.
Source: Game Informer
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