Halo Infinite Will Have Multiple Betas Leading Up to Release

Halo Infinite's betas will come to Xbox first

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 21, 2019

Halo Infinite is Microsoft's next big installment in the beloved Halo franchise. With the series making the jump to Steam in the recent, Halo The Master Chief Collection many were wondering about the betas that will surely happen. Well, 343 Industries decided to confirm that the game will have multiple betas and will come to Xbox One first.

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343 started with a bunch of bullet points to convey everything said at E3 2019.

Release date: Holiday 2020 release for the entire Xbox family of devices, including Project Scarlett and Windows PCs

When does it take place in the universe: It follows the Master Chief's story some time after Halo 5: Guardians' conclusion

LAN: Halo Infinite will support LAN

Splitscreen: Splitscreen is up and running internally

Back in Black: Black undersuits will be in the game

Flighting Programs: These opt-in flights will start small and slowly expand out until release

PC: Flighting may come a little bit later for PC players, but we're treating it as a first-class citizen

Player Customization: If you liked the level of armor customization options in Halo: Reach, you will be pleased

SR 152: Players who hit SR 152 in Halo 5: Guardians will receive a token of appreciation in Halo Infinite

Pro Team: There is an internal Pro Team for Halo Infinite

343 Industries stated that the beta phases for Halo Infinite will "start small and slowly expand" until the game releases. With Xbox One users getting it first followed by PC gamers in "little bit later".

Halo Infinite will release in winter 2020 for Project Scarlett.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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