LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Surpasses ELDEN RING in Physical Sales in the UK

An unforgettable achievement for LEGO, for even the smallest LEGO can change the course of the history forever.

News by Yagmur on  Apr 13, 2022

ELDEN RING is one of the biggest games that have come out lately, with a perfect 100/100 score from almost every critic, and a piece of concrete evidence would be our ELDEN RING review. But even the great ELDEN RING could not stay at the peak for a longer time, for something as small as a piece of LEGO has changed the course of history.

The latest launch of LEGO games, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, has surpassed the physical sales of ELDEN RING in the UK. Breaking records after records ever since its launch, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga had the most players of any other LEGO game within the first 24 hours of its launch. We would not be exaggerating by saying that this game is the biggest LEGO game launch ever.

Elden Ring, Lego Star Wars, The Skywalker Saga, FromSoftware, Lego

But this does not mean that LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is now the most popular game in the UK because the title did not belong to ELDEN RING either. Pokémon Legends: Arceus beat them in physical sales in its initial launch week. It is not a surprise for a Switch game to be the best-selling game on any day because Switch players prefer to get physical copies over digital games, but it is still a surprise to see that a LEGO game beat a FromSoftware game.

This is, in fact, the reason why it was able to beat ELDEN RING. Switch games sell more; therefore, having a game come out in Nintendo Switch on its first week is something that video game companies do to have more physical sales. This is precisely what LEGO did with the Skywalker Saga. Switch users bought most of the physical copies, and the sales skyrocketed.

I’m not going to lie; it is still an impressive achievement. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is an incredibly fun game. Congratulations, LEGO!


Yagmur Sevinc (@yagmursevvinc)
Editor, NoobFeed

Yagmur Sevinç

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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