Marvel's Avengers Spider-Man Expansion Finally Coming This November 30th

Marvel's Avengers content update revealed

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 04, 2021

It's been an interesting week for Marvel's Avengers. From Square Enix calling it a disappointment to stating that Crystal Dynamics was not right for the game. They also removed the experience boosters after massive backlash despite promising no pay-to-win boosters. Coming from an over $40 million dollar loss it seems the company is trying really hard to recover but perhaps the next update will make things right. With a content roadmap showing that Spider-Man will finally arrive this November 30th.

Marvel's Avengers,NoobFeed,

The roadmap revealed the Echoes enemy type, MCU outfits, and more are coming. The title will likely see a surge in players for Spider-Man but only on PlayStation since it's an exclusive. But like with Black Panther that number will likely drop as history has repeated itself for this title over and over again. 

Marvel's Avengers is now available for Xbox One, Xbox Series, PS4, PS5, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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