PlayStation Plus Lineup for May 2018 Announced

Includes Beyond: Two Souls and Rayman Legends

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 25, 2018

With Xbox owners already aware of what they're getting next week Sony has announced the next set of free PlayStation games coming to PlayStation Plus owners. This month gamers can expect Ubisoft's amazing Rayman Legends and in anticipation of Quantic Dream's Detroit: Become Human their previously released Beyond: Two Souls.

Beyond Two Souls,NoobFeed,Quantic Dream,

Here's the complete list of free games coming to PlayStation Plus starting May 1st, 2018.

Beyond: Two Souls, PS4

Rayman Legends, PS4

Risen 3: Titan Lords, PS3

Eat Them!, PS3

King Oddball, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS3 and PS4)

Furmins, PS Vita

As always, PlayStation owners will need an active PlayStation Plus account to download these titles.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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