Techland Focusing on Fixing Co-Op in Dying Light 2

Techland is aware of the issues regarding Dying Light 2's co-op

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 05, 2022

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is finally out and the game has some issues, the biggest being cooperative play. With Techland acknowledging the issues and attempting to resolve them asap.

Dying Light 2,NoobFeed,

Dear gamers, thank you for your feedback. Two things on the top of our list: disconnects in co-op mode and problems with redeeming awards, codes, and other in-game content, including Twitch Drops from TechlandGG. Our team is on it. We will update you on the progress.

— Dying Light (@DyingLightGame) February 4, 2022

Techland is also seeking to resolve the awards, codes, and other in-game content issues regarding bonus content. Techland did issue a day-1 patch trying to solve the audio problems in the game and is continuing to work on new fixes.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is now available for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC. It'll launch for Switch later this year.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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