Telltale Games Lays Off Staff for Company Restructuring
It's a hard time to be a Telltale Games employee
News by Grayshadow on Nov 09, 2017
Today Telltale Games announced a reduction of 25% of its overall workforce in a comprehensive company restructuring. This means that about 90 employees were laid off, effective immediately.
The recent decision was to make Telltale Games more competitive as a publisher and developer for the years ahead. This means less games but better quality.
“Our industry has shifted in tremendous ways over the past few years. The realities of the environment we face moving forward demand we evolve, as well, reorienting our organization with a focus on delivering fewer. better games with a smaller team,” commented Telltale Games CEO Pete Hawley.
The hashtag #telltalejobs is currently trending on Twitter to provide support for those affected to find employment elsewhere. Companies such as Bethesda, Obsidian, Bungie, and Gearbox Software have come forward and posted links to their company’s available positions.
Recently, Telltale Games released the final episode for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Season 1.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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