The Evil Within 2 Gets AKUMU Difficulty and New Cheat Codes
The Evil Within 2 updates with AKUMU difficulty and cheats
News by Grayshadow on Oct 30, 2018
Tango Gameworks isn't done with The Evil Within 2, providing a new update to the game that includes new cheats and the dreaded Akuma difficulty.
First reported by PC Gamer, the updates do require you to link your account, which is easy but seems unnecessary.
Sign up for a account or link your existing account to receive:
The AKUMU Difficulty Level to challenge the most die-hard players.
New gameplay options including Infinite Stamina, One-Shot Kills, and Invincibility.
The Evil Within 2 released back in 2017 to critical acclaim. Many praised the game's improved combat, sneaking and the semi-open world. It stars Sebastian Castellanos who has given in to alcoholism after the events of the first game but is pulled back into STEM to search for his missing daughter.
The Evil Within 2 is now available for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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