The Final Piece of The Evil Within DLC Dated

The Evil Within: The Executioner coming May 26

News by Grayshadow on  May 12, 2015

The final piece of The Evil Within DLC has players taking control of the bad guy. Players will dawn a bloody apron and take control of The Keeper.

The Evil Within,The Executioner,Noobfeed,DLC,

The Executioner DLC looks gory, having the player toss enemies into deadly traps, flinging spike traps, and ripping Haunted with a chainsaw.

The Keeper will go against various enemies throughout the game and allow the player to play in first-person. What exactly the story will curtail is still a mystery.

The Executioner DLC will launch n May 26 on all platforms The Evil Within is available.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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