The Humble Double Fine Bundle Announced

Pay what you want for an excellent selection of games

News by Grayshadow on  May 07, 2013

The latest Humble Bundle is called The Humble Double Fine Bundle. This package will allow you access to Double Fine products, exclusives and a pre-order for Double Fine's upcoming Kickstarter project Broken Age based on how much you decide to pay.

You "pay what you want" but you must donate a minimum of $7.22 to obtain the first three games Costume Quest, Psychonauts and Stacking. Paying more will net you more content, for example paying $8.22 will get you Brutal Legend, $35 will pre-order Broken Age and paying $70 will get you an exclusive black or cream T-shirt to be ship anywhere in the world. You can choose to pay a specific amount or choose to pay more if you want. 

Games purchase through The Humble Double Fine Bundle are capable with Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Paying an extra $1 will get you a Steam Key in addition to DRM-free direct downloads.

Like previous Humble Bundle's payments can be allotted to Humble Bundle, the developers (in this case Double Fine) and the charities Child's Play and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The Humble Double Fine Bundle will be available for 2 weeks starting May 7 and can be sent as a gift to someone special. 

Source: The Humble Bundle

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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