Watch Dogs Legion Is The Latest Ubisoft Game To Head to Steam

Watch Dogs Legion is set to join Steam and leave the PC exclusivity that the Epic Games Store has enjoyed for a long time.

News by LCLupus on  Dec 14, 2022

The Epic Games Store continues to lose the support it received when it decided to go head-to-head with Steam because yet another big publisher continued its return to Steam. One of the biggest publishers to move its products to the Epic Games Store was Ubisoft, as the Epic Games Store gave a larger cut of the profits and directly established itself as a competitor to Steam’s PC monopoly. However, Ubisoft has started to move its games back to Steam, and the latest game to head back to Steam is Watch Dogs Legion.

Watch Dogs Legion, Ubisoft, Epic Games Store, Epic Games, Steam, PC, Exclusivity, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Anno 1800, Latest, News

The third entry in the Watch Dogs franchise was recently spotted on Steam for the first time, and it lists the Steam release date as 26 January 2023. This is simply the latest Ubisoft game to be making its way to Steam despite the prior exclusive commitment to the Epic Games Store that the published appeared to have decided on. Other games that were widely publicized for their return to Steam include Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Anno 1800.

The Epic Games Store, when it first unveiled itself as a major competitor to Steam, had some heady promises. It promised a better revenue split with developers and that it would be a place for exclusive PC titles, although many of those exclusives were wholly timed rather than permanent, so they did eventually make their way to Steam anyway. The Epic Games Store also, to this day, provides completely free games to users every two weeks. The idea is that these free games will act as an incentive to retain players and turn them into paying customers, but the attempts to fight Steam’s monopoly has not been particularly successful, especially seeing as free game recipients have not turned into many paying customers. This departure of Ubisoft is simply one of the latest indications of this weakening of the Epic Games Store’s once lofty aspirations to weaken Steam’s monopoly and become a real PC alternative.

However, the Epic Games Store platform continues to underperform and it still, years into Epic’s dedication to fight Steam’s monopoly, lacks features that have been commonplace on Steam for years now. The Epic Games Store experiment may not have failed just yet, but it certainly does have a few additional nails in the coffin.

Justin van Huyssteen (@LC_Lupus)
Senior Editor, NoobFeed

Justin Van Huyssteen

Contributor, NoobFeed

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